Latest Chapters

A Little Excitement

Enter another familiar face! Seems like a fan reunion for you guys, and a bit of banter before welcoming Devon to step out of the room to get something to eat. Definitely helpful, since, y'know, he was skipping lunch.

We'll be seeing some more old familiar sights and spaces before moving into all new and fresh territory.

We appreciate all you guys' patience and hanging in with us as we find our groove!


Don't forget to check out our discord!

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State of Things

A lot happened during my vacation, so let me apologize for slow updates up front. Life jumped on me in a hard way, and while the comic is going to continue, it may be at a slower pace for a little while. I have the next five pages laid out, but I’ve had to take to job searching as well, which has eaten up a fair bit of my time.

Tied to this, I’m also working on doctor stuff, which has eaten into another chunk of time as well, so that’s why there hasn’t been a huge update. For that, I apologize also. We are not going anywhere, things may just be a tad slower for a little while.

Regards, Keira aka Verias

Discord Server Huzzah!

I went ahead and put together a rather simple discord server for people looking to hang out, and get a bit of a front row seat to things, and a hand in how our social aspects develop.

You guys are awesome, and I appreciate each of you, so make sure to drop on by, grab some roles, and popcorn, and don’t be afraid to talk to me over there!

Legacy of The Fool Discord: